Monday, 18 June 2012

The Girl Who Waited

Hello! :) This post is going to be a proper update to make up for the Mixing In Apples for the past two weeks or so. In general, daily life is both screwed up and pretty awesome because we get our results back (insert ominous music here) and I can hang with friends on weekends and there are a lot more holidays! (insert children cheering and clapping noise here)

And I am seriously hyped that a friend of mine's is finally back in Hong Kong and let's hope we can hang out sometime. Besides that, one of my favorite Twitter accounts favorited one of my tweets! :) They have no idea how happy they made me!!!! (The account is @Marauders_7, a Marauder role-playing account on Twitter. Seriously good so if you're a Potterhead, follow them!)

The Different Aspects of Rachelle's Life. Right here, right now.

Doctor Who

I just started to watch Doctor Who. I started watching the Fifth Season (from The Eleventh Doctor) and I'm currently waiting for the Seventh. It's a science-fiction TV show, it's about the Doctor and his two companions travel through time and defeat all sorts of monsters. But it's not just about aliens because there's actually a HUGE plot behind all of the episodes and The Big Bang episode is so touching. Really, I have never, once in my life, cried so many tears for a TV show. It's just pure class. I highly recommend it. 

But since it's from England, you can only watch it online. (Not on Youtube though) And if you can't grasp science theories very well or can't listen through Scottish/heavy British accents, find the episodes where you have subtitles or don't watch at all or else you'll be staring at the screen and all the actor's dialogues will be utter gibberish to you. (Fortunately, I can grasp the scientific theories easily and listen to the accents so I can just watch the episodes without subtitles, thank you very much.) 

This is a fan-art of The Eleventh Doctor played by Matt Smith. And in his hand is a sonic screwdriver, something that I must have for Christmas. 

'People assume that time is a strict progression of cause to effect, but "actually" from a non-linear, non-subjective viewpoint, it's more like a big ball of wibbly wobbly...time-y wimey...stuff.' -The Doctor.
(If you understand this in a British accent, spoken at 50m/h and can understand what the hell is this talking about, by all mean, watch Doctor Who now!)

The TARDIS! :)

Green shirt guy- Rory Williams
Ginger- Amy Pond
Bow tie man- The Doctor


It's a James/Lily fanfic. Besides that it's quite humorous and easy to read, it also focuses on a common problem in a teen's life (other than romance, that is). The problem is an inferiority complex. It's about not having enough self-confidence and really complicated psychological problems about your acceptance of compliments. Lily has this kind of disorder and James is the one who fixes it and generally, this fic excels in aspects of friendship, romance and emotional support. And that, even for an experienced writer, is damned hard to straighten out and create a story. This story is pretty much perfection. 

Unfortunately, the author has also been Mixing In Apples for quite a while so you'll have to wait for the 32nd chapter (is it the 32nd? Not sure...) But still, check it out on 

The Life and Times ( as well)

This is a fanfiction about the Marauder's Era but it doesn't focus solely on James/Lily relationships though, there's a lot more stuff going on and it's superb.

Novel length, literally the Marauder's Era that was never in the Harry Potter series. Why? Because the events, the characters, the emotions...EVERYTHING is so like a novel. It's as good as a novel. The writing is also top-notch. Especially when it comes between James and Lily, the banter is bloody awesome and trust me, it takes a lot of work to make it as fluent and exciting as the one in this story.

Also kind of related to TLAT, fans have begun to love it so much that they are choosing their dream cast. A dream cast is like fans choosing real life actors to play fictional characters. My dream cast would be Aaron Johnson/Andrew Garfield as James Potter and Karen Gillan as Lily Evans. (But Andrew Garfield doesn't look very nice with Karen but Aaron looks perfect next to her.)

And Karen Gillan is the woman who plays Amy Pond on Doctor Who. Wow, the aspects of my life are quite interlaced with each other. 

From Behind the Scenes of Order and the Phoenix. In the background, you can see the actors of Lily, James and Snape sitting together chatting. And James is all like, 'Look how perfectly we get on together! I don't get how come we all have to hate each other.'

These pictures are from Anxious Pineapples from DeviantART. Beautiful, aren't they?
And in this picture, Remus looks like he's going to spit and choke on his chocolate bar. 

Excellent motto, don't you think?

Karen Gillan and Aaron Johnson GIFs! :) Awesome...

This is probably what James did to any guy who was mean to Lily.
'Apologize to Evans!'

Viria on Tumblr is one of the beset fan-artists on Earth. Go check her out!

Red hair like Lily's. But hazel eyes like James.

'Courage is not the absence of fear, but the knowledge that something is more important than fear.'

This is not a very nice picture of Aaron Johnson. It should be another one. But hey, there's The Life and Times on it! 

Yep, this is my dream cast of the Marauders. 
Aaron Johnson as James.
Ben Barnes as Sirius. 
Andrew Garfield as Remus 
And whoever that is for Peter. 

If only, if only...

'You smoke.'
'Should I contrive a really witty way of telling you how efficiently you conveyed the most obvious statement in the world, or will a simple "Well, obviously" suffice.'
An example of the dynamic banter between James and Lily in TLAT. 

'Once I started reading fanfiction, I realized that I'm a lot more interested in the Marauders' Era then Harry's.'
The story of my life. No exaggeration there.

Aaron Johnson

I don't bloody care about what people say about him but he is going to be the James in my head, okay? And I've recently started to watch a couple of films he starred in.
Nowhere Boy is about John Lennon's teenage years. Quite good. The ending was really sad and yes, a few tears dropped from my eyes. (I find myself getting so emotional now.)

The movie said James was a Seeker. No, this is a LIE. A completely fucking lie because J.K. Rowling herself said that James was a Chaser. They only made him a Seeker in the films to make it more 'emotional' and for people who didn't read the books. But then again, he could've changed positions during his years at Hogwarts. 
I put James as a Seeker in my fanfics because I've abandoned my morals for the person I dedicated the fanfics to- Jose. Yes, I abandoned my morals for you! *Shakes fist at the sky*

Young Marauders. 

Because this One True Pair was canon since the very first chapter of Harry Potter.

Somebody understands!

I approve. 

Yes, this is what James should look like. (Aaron Johnson from Nowhere Boy)

Angus, Thongs and Perfect Snogging. 
It's an alright comedy/drama film. It's something you'd want to watch on a Friday night. It's quite hilarious as well. You can watch both Nowhere Boy and this movie on Youtube since it came out a few years ago. 

And there's Aaron Johnson. He's quite young in this film and he still has his boyish looks. :)
And isn't is amazing that Aaron Johnson has also starred in The Thief Lord? And The Thief Lord is one of my favorite books! Yep, my life is full of crazy coincidences. :D

Legend of Korra

If you watch Avatar, The Last Airbender, you'll be happy to know that there's a super awesome sequel called the Legend of Korra. It's quite different from the prequel since there's no war and stuff but it has a totally different problem- the Rebellion of non-benders against benders. 

I've watched it a week ago and I'm already hard-core shipping all the pairings in there. I ship Tahno/Korra and Mako/Korra. I'm just disappointed that Zuko hasn't appeared yet. I mean, I love Zuko! And he's the Fire Lord, for goodness sake! Just get him into the action already! 

I also ship Kataara and Zuko like there's no tomorrow! :)

Ahh, I love Zuko and his crazy infatuation with honor. 

The Most Adorable Firebender alive! 

Zuko and his mom. *Sniffles

Theory of Avatar characters. I literally jumped when I saw this.

Marauders crossover with Avatar. I would definitely watch it!

Zuko and his son. Hehehe...
This was also my exact reaction when I watched the movie of The Last Airbender. The movie was a complete fuck up and I will never watch any movie related to Avatar except for the cartoon version.


Yes, I know. My long awaited fanfics. (Arrogance spasm there, sorry about that.) But patience, young grasshoppers of the Internet, your sensei has a flippin' tight schedule and I am kind of running out of inspiration. (And not to mention, time...) But don't worry, I am starting to open up my Word Docx and currently building on the very last James/Lily. I promise, this last James/Lily is my priority and I must've given myself an anxiety attack for not being able to come up with ideas. (I'm fine, really...) Trust me, young grasshoppers, early July is probably the time you'll get it. (Actually, no promises there. I'm having a major writer's block now.)

And I am proud to say that I have successfully written the first three chapters of my Gallagher Girls' fanfic. It's Cross My Heart, Don't Judge, Only The Good Spy Young and Out of Sight from Zach's POV. I have to say, I'm having a lot of fun being this cocky male assassin. Perhaps I should dress up as him for Dress Causal Day this October... 

Erm, the Scorpius/Rose and the Sirius/Remus is on the way. I just need to contact my writing partner, Ophelia over the weekend and stuff to work out some stuff. 

(Okay, I'm starting to think I'm being overwhelmed by all this work...)

Random pictures from Tumblr


When I'm sad, I usually open a Harry Potter book or start writing. This world inside my head is literally a sanctuary for me to run wild and forget about all the horrible and cruel reality. 
Tee-hee. This made me laugh. 

And now a Percy Jackson picture spam for Jose and Karina. :)

From the set of Sea of Monsters. They finally got her blonde. 
Grover's totally freaked about something.
Annabeth is all calm and cool and like 'Okay, guys. Here's the plan...'
Tyson's...well, being Tyson?
And Percy Jackson is completely clueless and going 'Yeah, whatever. Let's go with whatever Annabeth is saying.'

And now a Jily spam for me. :)

Okay, I prefer the Swedish covers now. 

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