Monday, 5 December 2011


Hey! :)

We had EL Lit. today. It totally sucked balls. We might as well had memorised EVERYTHING in the Short Stories we learnt in class (because we were tested on 'em) because the paper was just so picky about every single detail! It gave you a random, insignificant quote from the passage and asked, "Who said this?"
 Askfkhkj!! How the freak are we supposed to know? AND it also asked to quote examples from the text. (because there were only questions, no passage!) Fuck! (pronounced as "FAAACCKK!!")

I wanted to strangle the paper already.

Then it asked about different aspects on the movement and unpredictability of the sea from the damned poem. WHAT. THE. FREAK. DOES. IT. MEAN. The answer I wrote was (I think) COMPLETELY irrelevant to the question! Then at the end of the exam, someone said it was about the shape of the poem. WHAT! And I can distinctly remember something about Ms. Su talking about that some weeks ago.

Tomorrow: CL History. Can I erase tomorrow from history? Please?

And Home Ec. We're supposed to memorise steps of recipes and know names of milk. Seriously? MILK? It's either milk or it's not! There are NO other names for milk! (O_O)

This is my super new trench coat. As if it'll be that cold in HK. (-.-)

Chinese History notes. And I supposed to memorise ALL of it? Tough luck. 

This is how I look like now. Just exhausted. (I wear my SIS fleece at home because it's a bit chilly)

And 5 days later, it's SIS CHRISTMAS FAIR! :)))))))))))))) YEAH!    

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