Thursday, 10 May 2012

Class A

Hey, guys! :)

It's been quite a long week. Especially for me since I missed three days of school this week so I had double the homework and I just found out that I had to do my Music test right next week... And our teachers are giving us the final rush of tests in the next two weeks. Next week, I've got five tests. Next, next week, I've got two. (WARNING: PRESSURE OVERLOAD. Self-destruct in 3...2...1... )

Anyways, this is a rundown of how my week went.

I went to my granddad's funeral on Sunday evening and I watched his coffin get carted off to the cremation place on Monday. It was alright, wasn't too boring since my other three cousins were there. I did manage to get on good terms with my oldest cousin who lives in the States. (My dad's already nailed an Giorgio Armani watch with her. My dad doesn't seem like it but when he asks, he's crazy skilled at getting what he wants. I guess I got my Slytherin genes from him...)

Then on Tuesday, I returned to school and sorted out all of the work I missed. After school, I popped over to Times Square to buy a CHERUBS book, Class A. Then I returned to school for the Drama Ensemble annual production rehearsal until 6pm. And when I was backstage, I finished Class A and my homework.

Wednesday was pretty much the same. I still had to stay behind for rehearsals and finished my homework backstage. But at the same time, I was working on ideas for a new fanfiction. It's about Remus and Sirius as a pairing. (It's a gay pairing, I know. Show some respect, okay?) I'm actually doing this with Ophelia. She's writing from Lily and Remus' POV and I'm writing from Sirius' because I know how to add some Sirius-like personality in the writing. It's not a big fanfic but I'm still stuck on how to drive this since I've never even read much of the gay pairings fanfics or even seen a gay pairing in action. So my suggestion was to write a bunch of one-shots about them and string them together. It's not a short-story collection where the one-shots are stand-alone kinds but the one-shots are kind of linked with one another. (D'you even get what I mean?)

And I'm now working on my Rose/Scorpius fanfic with Ophelia as well. Jose was supposed to help write Albus Potter's POV but bailed for some weird reason... I'm pretty excited for this one, it's going to be a major production but not as huge as James and Lily (I'm betting my James and Lily fanfics are 700+ pages now... And I've spent three months working on them. Lily/James are pretty much my biggest project I've ever had in my entire life!)

So back to the Rose/Scorpius. I'm writing Scorpius' POV while Ophelia's writing from Rose'. (Okay, I seem to be taking all the boys parts. Is this, like, a international-school trend or something?) Scorpius is very cool, calm, suave and ridiculously sarcastic in this fanfic I'm working on with Ophelia. I don't exactly know how am I going to pull this thing off but I'm just going to trust my gut and jump out of my comfort zone of writing from Lily/James POV. (I spent 3 months and 700+ pages working with James and Lily, they are closer to me than you think. They are a big part of my life/mind now. And Ophelia says I'm so...James when I write sometimes so let's just see how I debut as Scorp.)

There is another Rose/Scorpius fanfic that I'm working solo on. It doesn't have much reference to magic or Hogwarts in it so anyone who doesn't read Harry Potter can read it as well! :) Note: Scorpius is an entirely different person in this fanfiction. He's emotionally complex and Rose is quite different from who I think Ophelia's going to shape.

So I shall try to put out the partnered work of Rose/Scorpius after I put out my last James/Lily major fanfiction (the 'Seventh Year and Beyond' one) then for the last Harry Potter fanfic of the year, I will put out my solo-ed fanfic of Rose/Scorpius to avoid any confusion about the characters. Unfortunately for all of my avid readers, the very last James/Lily major work will probably be out in July or the earliest, late June. I'm really sorry but timing wasn't right since exams are coming up in 28 days so I need to pause for a bit. And I have all these other projects of Rose/Scorpius and Remus/Sirius...

Honestly, I'm really, really sorry for the wait. It's been like, a whole month since I've put out anything of my writing and I've haven't made much progress with my James/Lily fanfic for two weeks. All I can tell you is that I've finished the part where the two get together. The rest is still WIP and the ending is in ICU and the condition is unstable. It's going to be a while to sort out all the kinks and not to mention, HUGE wrinkles. But I do have some ideas that I've worked out a bit in my head like the Potter Manor and the James/Lily wedding scenes.

And I've gone pretty off topic from my rundown of the week...

Okay, remember I ordered Out of Sight, Out of Time from Paddyfield at the start of May? Well, it came a whole week earlier (I got it on Wednesday)! :D I got the British version of it (the other four books are the American version) but WHO BLOODY CARES? I've got it! And let me tell you, reading from the actually book itself is a lot better from reading from the Internet. I mean, you've got the feeling of reading, not sitting at the screen and clicking to flip the page. That's not exactly called reading if you can't even hear yourself flipping the page. (Yes, I'm so damned picky and paranoid and uptight. It's a wonder how I appear to be James Potter to Ophelia. I have split personalities...)

Then tomorrow, I'm skiving school (okay, I'm not. Drama Ensemble sorted out a day off for me). I'm going to Tsuen Wan Town Hall for a tech run of the production I'm in for pretty much the whole morning plus noon. Then on Saturday, I'm spending my whole day at school rehearsing for the production. Then Saturday night, I'm going to Tsuen Wan Town Hall with the whole Drama Ensemble to perform to production to public. Yay! I'm quite excited because this is technically my first time performing in front of complete strangers. Usually, I've performed in front of schoolmates or at least the kind of people that I know (like judges or other school's students *coughLaSallecough*).

Okies, have a stellar weekend everyone and good luck on your exams! :)


Dan's face is priceless... ;)

This inspires me for the 'Seventh Year and Beyond' fanfic. It's the First Wizarding War and James and Lily are in the middle of it. As you can see, James is on his guard and is trying his best to protect Lily. If you look closely, there are two words on his t-shirt. 'Die for-' Then Lily's hand covers it. And I smile at this. James is willing to die for what he believes in and for what/who he loves. It's so obvious. And this picture seems to remind me a bit of Zach Goode in the Gallagher Girl's series. You know, protective and strong. Pretty amazing connection, huh?

Die young or live forever? 
I'd die young because if you lived forever, life barely has any meaning to it afterwards.

I'm not sure if you can even fall out of love because I think that no matter how long and how far apart, a part of you, no matter how tiny and minuscule, will keep loving that person. Maybe not as passionate as a lover but as steady as a family member. 
And I told Jose who was 'the one that got away'/Tim. She kicked a table.

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