- Okay, so Ophelia dubbed me as James Potter at school and we pretty much all agree Ophelia's Lily Evans. So...let's see if we can REALLY be our character counterparts... ;) I have to say, I'm more like James than I ever imagined!*The conversation below was completely freestyle and we totally made up everything by ourselves so the whole conversation is COPYRIGHTED. If I see any duplicates or some idiot bimbo trying to use it, I will unleash my James Potter/Marauder evilness on you. And I'm pretty sure Ophelia will turn her temper on you. Anyways, enjoy! :)
- u like totally confessed that it was for BLACKMAIL so im not telling you, Potter
- u R random....
- hehe RandomRachel
4 hours agoRachel Yu- Ahh, getting secretive around me, Evans? I assure you, you have nothing to fear!
- I'm the best secret keeper I know! You can trust me on this, trust me!
4 hours agoOphelia Chan- Secretive,Potter? No no...it's just none of your business..
4 hours agoRachel Yu- If you don't believe me, go on a date tonight and no one will ever know!
- After all, a gentleman never kisses and tells.
- *winks
4 hours agoOphelia Chan- Trust you? I wouldn't TRUST you if you were the last person on earth you BIGHEADED PRAT
4 hours agoRachel Yu- ahh, Evans, you'll come around someday and we'll get to make small Potter babies.
4 hours agoOphelia Chan- Kisses and Tells, potter? woah..you sure work fast?
- who said anything about kisses?
4 hours agoRachel Yu- I'm a Chaser, honey. I move fast.
- Well, since you're staring at my lips, it's only natural that a guy takes it as a signal for snogging.
- *winks again
4 hours agoOphelia Chan- in fact, who said anything about a DATE, huh Potter? I thought I made it clear since THIRD YEAR I'm not interested in it...or small potter babies...with that ugly hair..even Sev's is better
4 hours agoRachel Yu- Snivellus is a greasy wanker.
- DUH.
4 hours agoOphelia Chan- I'm staring at your lips because there's still MUSTARD on it, oh so polite Head Boy
- *rolls eyes and flips hair
4 hours agoRachel Yu- Siiiickk, I HATE mustard...
- Hey, maybe you'd want to wipe it off for me?
4 hours agoOphelia Chan- oh.or is it LIPGLOSS from the last girl you SNOGGED?
- Sick, Potter, SICK
4 hours agoRachel Yu- I have been following you around all day, there's no chance I got to snog any other girl
- Anyways, want to compare lipgloss choices?
- Tonight, 6pm, common room?
- Or that broom closet in the Entrance Hall...whichever you prefer...
- then maybe we could eat dinner together afterwards...?
- *ruffles hair
4 hours agoOphelia Chan- Oh please, Potter, last time you told me to meet you so we could compare lipbalm I stained your lips bright red for days..you sure you wanna risk it?
- *plays with a strand of loose curls*
4 hours agoRachel Yu- It was worth it...
- *takes the loose curl and tucks it behind your ear
4 hours agoOphelia Chan- (this is Ophelia POV (in brackets) this is soooooo fun)
- *slaps your hand away*
4 hours agoRachel Yu- (^I know...I didn't know I was so romantic...)
4 hours agoOphelia Chan- Get your stinking hand away! Who gave you any right to TOUCH me?
4 hours agoRachel Yu- *With my awesome Quidditch reflexes, I grab you hand as it touches min
- *mine
- *And I hold it
- *Despite your protests
4 hours agoOphelia Chan- *jerks hand off*
- i told you not to test me, Potter *whips out wand*
4 hours agoRachel Yu- Naw, Evans, don't say that you don't enjoy it
- Oh, Evans, don't make me hex you
4 hours agoOphelia Chan- No I didn't enjoy it!Don't you touch me, or I WILL curse you..
- Hex me then, if you're SO good
4 hours agoRachel Yu- Lay it on me, sister.
- Take me to the Hospital Wing later, okay? *winks
4 hours agoOphelia Chan- (seriously?u call this ROMANTIC?)
4 hours agoRachel Yu- (hehe, yeah...I guess?)
- *Anyways, takes out wand but lets it rest by the side of leg
4 hours agoOphelia Chan- Oh take you to the HOSPITAL WING so you can pretend to faint ON ME AGAIN?
4 hours agoRachel Yu- *Smirks+ruffles hair with other hand
4 hours agoOphelia Chan- Arrogant prick
4 hours agoRachel Yu- I'd love to be YOUR personal prick...
4 hours agoOphelia Chan- I couldn't get your fat bum away from me untill dear Remus decided to HELP me!
4 hours agoRachel Yu- Admit it, Evans, you love me as an arrogant prick
4 hours agoOphelia Chan- (yea ur pretty good)
4 hours agoRachel Yu- I am not fat! I play Quidditch!
4 hours agoOphelia Chan- Admit it, Potter, you are such a pathetic idiot who doesn't know how to take a defeat.
4 hours agoRachel Yu- Do you not see my awesome abs?
4 hours agoOphelia Chan- Well, you're SITTING when you're playing, you know?
4 hours agoRachel Yu- *Unbuttons shirt*
- So...? I can still work out
4 hours agoOphelia Chan- Of COURSE I did, after you SHOVED THEM IN MY EYES WHEN YOU WERE "faint"
- like HELL you do.all you do is curse poor Sev!
4 hours agoRachel Yu- Enjoyed the view, Evans?
4 hours agoOphelia Chan- and HARRASS ME!
- *covers eyes*
4 hours agoRachel Yu- The git deserved it.
4 hours agoOphelia Chan- No he doesnt! What has he ever done to you?
- He's my friend, and I'm doing anything I can to help him!
4 hours agoRachel Yu- 'Harassed' is a strong word, I call it shameless flirting/charm
- He EXISTS, Evans. Good enough reason for you?
4 hours agoOphelia Chan- Remus: At least you now know you're shameless....
- (back to LILs pov)
4 hours agoRachel Yu- Excuse me, Remus? There is a guy called Sirius Black who lives in our dorm.
4 hours agoOphelia Chan- No! Jerk! You are a arrogant, bullying heck of a coward!
4 hours agoRachel Yu- And why do you even stick up for that git, Snivellus, anyways?
- D'you fancy him or something?
- At least I have the guts to ask you out, Evans.
4 hours agoOphelia Chan- Because he is my FRIEND, James, and no I do not fancy him. We are just friends!
4 hours agoRachel Yu- Say, you still haven't answered me, broom closet or common room?
4 hours agoOphelia Chan- The guts? I call them stupidity and aroogance
4 hours agoRachel Yu- You called me James!
4 hours agoOphelia Chan- (f*** i forgot)
4 hours agoRachel Yu- Stupidity and arrogance are very attractive features
- Aww, Evans...falling for me?
4 hours agoOphelia Chan- Well, POTTER, I, for one, don't agree
4 hours agoRachel Yu- I love it when you call me James. Do that more often!
- Sigh, still in denial, Evans?
4 hours agoOphelia Chan- Just for this, I am never calling you this again.
4 hours agoRachel Yu- You know you want me...
4 hours agoOphelia Chan- No I don't
4 hours agoRachel Yu- Calling me what?
4 hours agoOphelia Chan- (James...duh Rach!)
- Your ugly, disgusting first name, POTTER
4 hours agoRachel Yu- (It was an excuse to get Lily to call James 'James'. Get it?)
- Hey, my granddad was called James and he was an Auror!
4 hours agoOphelia Chan- I'd rather have Black than you, Potter!
4 hours agoRachel Yu- *gets mad and hexes random first year walking past
4 hours agoOphelia Chan- Well, *looks up to sky* Sorry James the first but your grandson is stupid
- (maybe u shud do Siri pov as well now)
4 hours agoRachel Yu- *yells at himself* WHAT THE HELL, PADFOOT!
4 hours agoOphelia Chan- (huh?)
4 hours agoRachel Yu- (okay, Pad's POV)
4 hours agoOphelia Chan- Remus: Oh god...
4 hours agoRachel Yu- ('yells at himself' because he's raving mad)
4 hours agoOphelia Chan- back to LILS
- Your so called CHARM is so weak Potter...see where its gone now? Down the drain
- *thoroughly enjoying him being mad*
- (Ophe: OMG we should make sth like this for a FANFIC!)
4 hours agoRachel Yu- *shrugs* Sirius lost his ever since he was a first year
- At least I had mine's until...a few seconds ago?
4 hours agoOphelia Chan- (haha good one)
4 hours agoRachel Yu- Besides, you love me even when I don't turn my charm on
- *winks+ruffles hair
4 hours agoOphelia Chan- Yeah, a few seconds ago when you lost me to your best friend.
- Oh please,don't lay your nonexistence charm on so hard, it's suffocating
4 hours agoRachel Yu- Not until I steal your pretty heart back, sweetheart
- And of course, marry you and have a tiny me.
4 hours agoOphelia Chan- You never had it, hon (sarcastic)
4 hours agoRachel Yu- We can call him Harry!
- I do, Evans, you just don't know it.
4 hours agoOphelia Chan- Good name, Potter. But save it for some slut's kid.
4 hours agoRachel Yu- (I gasp, Ophelia! :P)
4 hours agoOphelia Chan- I think I would know if you had my heart.
4 hours agoOphelia Chan- (haha im getting better at this)
4 hours agoRachel Yu- Wanna try it then, Evans?
- (yep, you are!)
4 hours agoOphelia Chan- Try what, Potter?
- Taping you and some slut's intercourse?
- No thanks.
4 hours agoRachel Yu- Let me have a chance with you. I swear to merlin, you'll like me after a date at hogsmeade!
4 hours agoOphelia Chan- *tucks wands back into breast pocket*
4 hours agoRachel Yu- (^What the hell?)
4 hours agoOphelia Chan- Or you'd be roasted like a pig for Christmas
- (just saw that in a fanfic, its good, if you know how to react)
4 hours agoRachel Yu- (Um...isn't it turkey?)
4 hours agoOphelia Chan- SORRY
- (that was my pov)
4 hours agoRachel Yu- So you'll be spending Christmas with me, Evans?
- Excellent! Mum and Dad would love to meet you!
- Sirius will also be home, if you don't mind.
3 hours agoOphelia Chan- Too bad I don't want to explain to them that I'm planning your muder.
- *murder
3 hours agoRachel Yu- Murder of my virginity?
3 hours agoOphelia Chan- Aww...I lost a chance to see Black naked!
3 hours agoRachel Yu- *winks
3 hours agoOphelia Chan- (ewww)
- *Glares 100% energy
3 hours agoRachel Yu- (You know, you could screen shot this and print this out. It's seriously good.)
- You know, Evans. You're cute when you're angry...
3 hours agoOphelia Chan- (I KNOWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW and show it to Jose)
- You know, Potter, you're ugly even when you're trying to be charming.
3 hours agoRachel Yu- So you admit that I'm charming!
- I knew you'd come around one day!
3 hours agoOphelia Chan- I doubt that, Potter. Maybe in the next life, git.
3 hours agoRachel Yu- At least I'm not as ugly as Sirius. The wanker needs plastic surgery.
- Ah, but you'll still be there in my next life, won't you, Evans?
3 hours agoOphelia Chan- And you wonder why I find you a bullying git, you're even mean to your best friend.
- As an assin (BLACKTHORNE!!for girls) on a mission to drug you? Totally.
3 hours agoRachel Yu- Sirius is used to it. In fact, he can't sleep without me/Remus saying it to him at dinner everyday.
- Drug me and have drunken sex...I like your style, Evans.
- *winks
3 hours agoOphelia Chan- Good to know you don't care for him. You don't have a heart to love anyone.
- (WTF????)
3 hours agoRachel Yu- I do! Just let me love you, Evans and you'll love me back!
3 hours agoOphelia Chan- Sex? You probably have a d*** the size of a mushroom, not good enough.
3 hours agoRachel Yu- Marauder's promise!
- How do you know? You haven't even seen Little Potter before! Although I would like to prove you wrong...
- (Little Potter is James' you-know-what)
3 hours agoOphelia Chan- You dirty pompous idiot! (I KNOW THAT, educated by u, hello?)
- Never will I EVER fall for you, Potter. I'd throw myself off the Astronomy tower before admitting loving you.
3 hours agoRachel Yu- And I'll be down there to catch you, sweetheart.
(I can't believe I can actually flirt this well...)- (THIS IS TALENT!)
3 hours agoOphelia Chan- Really? You'd be too busy taunting people or having a threesome with whores.
- (Congrats! i never knew I'd be able to deflect them this well!)
3 hours agoRachel Yu- I wouldn't taunt other people's relationship if we were in one!
- (wait for a sec, i need to pee)
3 hours agoOphelia Chan- Not a chance, Potter. Drop your hopes, I don't care for you, AND I NEVER WILL
- (eww...no need to tell me. oooh unoe, i'm gonna copy and paste it all. maybe we keep chatting in their POV and make it a story , at the end of this conversation lils will accidently admit loving James then they'll become a couple? however way u want)
3 hours agoRachel Yu- Now, I wouldn't say that if I were you.
3 hours agoOphelia Chan- (maybe sth more romantic than becoming a couple)
3 hours agoRachel Yu- You know that you love me deep down.
- (okay! )
3 hours agoOphelia Chan- How many times do I have to tell you I'm not interested?
3 hours agoRachel Yu- (And I'm training you how to deflect flirts in the future. I'm like your body guard...)
- Show, not tell, Lils
3 hours agoOphelia Chan- (so ur gonna hold a knife and kill guys that flirt with me? all except the sirius-lookalikes)
3 hours agoRachel Yu- (like mental bodyguard. And actually, James does protects Lily so we are practically living out our HP counterparts! :))
3 hours agoOphelia Chan- You don't have ANY right to call me Lils. In fact, maybe you should just not call me anything and stop bothering me! *tries to turn and walk away*
3 hours agoRachel Yu- *keeps up pace with her
3 hours agoOphelia Chan- (:( was hoping to see u kill some dude...james did more like scare them away and bully them)
3 hours agoRachel Yu- I won't let you get away that easily, Evans
- (In the war, he did protect Lily)
3 hours agoOphelia Chan- (oh YAH!! not from boys...)
3 hours agoRachel Yu- So...free tonight?
3 hours agoOphelia Chan- *stays silent (SILENT TREATMENT) and looks ahead, not looking at him*
3 hours agoRachel Yu- There's a free loveseat in the Gryffindor common room I know
- *wink
3 hours agoOphelia Chan- *scoffs, doesn't talk*
3 hours agoRachel Yu- *sees no response and swoops in to kiss her on the cheek
3 hours agoOphelia Chan- (YAY!!go Jamesy!)
3 hours agoRachel Yu- *tries to deepen kiss
- *by moving his lips to hers
- (wait, don't slap James!)
- 8turns head away*
- *WIPES lips on sleeve*
- You're disgusting (SCREAM)
3 hours agoRachel Yu- *hugs her from behind and whispers 'Thanks for the kiss, Evans' and walks away mysteriously to the Marauders standing by the side
- Walks faster
3 hours agoRachel Yu- ~The End?~
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