Tuesday, 25 October 2011

Going back

Okay, I sort of remembered the 10 day challenge from the first place so I'm doing two days to make it up. :P
Day 7: 7 of your injuries.
Day 8: 8 places or days you’d like to go back to

7 of my injuries: 

1: My first broken leg when I was barely 2 years old. I can't remember falling but I can only remember the operation and something was drilling in to my leg.

2: The eye. When I was in kindergarten, I fell against a cupboard's corner and nicked the corner of my eye. It was deep and I had to go to hospital for stitches. I forgot how many stitches but I still have the scar next to my eye. Actually, I didn't even notice it until my parents were talking about hospitals and stuff.

3: Once, I was ice skating and I was pulling up my leg from behind and I lost my balance and fell. The my blade scratched my thigh and there was a long scratch. I was bleeding badly and it was very painful. I still have the scar...

4: Some of my readers might know this extraordinary thing that happened during P4. We were playing Bulldog on the Plaza. I was running and Thomas rammed into me and I actually rolled across the Plaza. I blacked out when I fell and hit my head. It was all dark and quiet until I heard Megan screaming at me.  
I woke up and I found myself with puddles of blood all around me. I was puzzled as I didn't feel any pain and none of the scratches on my legs were deep or long. Then when I was helped up and suddenly my whole hand was red. Then I knew there was something wrong with my hand. The when I moved it, blood suddenly spurted out and hit Alex (Sorry Alex...) 
Then I went to the Nurse and I washed my hands with water. I was fascinated with how the blood blossomed out in the water like a cloud. That was when I realised everyone was staring at me and I really didn't feel any pain. Suddenly, a random piece of info flashed through my mind, saying the body will make its own painkillers when there is a serious wound. Oh great. 

That is basically all my injuries so I can't list out seven unless you want me to say some of the normal everyday paper cuts or bruises. 

Day 8

No doubt about it: SIS for all... 

Don't go away for Day 9 and 10!! :D

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