Saturday, 29 October 2011


Day 1 – What annoys you about living where you live now?
The MTR construction RIGHT outside my tower. It’s so fucking loud because of the drilling and the drill AT NIGHT at 9 o’ clock when I’m finishing up my homework are memorizing things for my Chinese dictation! Like go and drill somewhere else! 

Day 2 – What annoys you about cars?
The noise, exhaust gases, price of parking fees and fuel. The cars are so noisy, I hate it. The exhaust gases aren’t environmentally friendly and they are just downright horrible and stinky. The prices of fees and fuels are just so damn expensive. Every time we run out of gas, we lose $400 HKD. Park somewhere and lose $50+. It’s so annoying! 

Day 3 – What annoys you most about your family?

Day 4 – Do you think you have habits that annoy other people?
I’m sure I do but it depends on the person.

Day 5 – Does it annoy you when people kiss in public?
It depends where in public. Maybe a night at the beach is acceptable but in the middle of the day on the pavement is really embarrassing.

Day 6 – Do you get annoyed when someone cuts in front of you when you are waiting in line?
DUH!! As I had mentioned in a post in September, I cannot accept this. Who the fuck do you think you are? Son of Obama? Daughter of Chief Executive? Who gave you the right to cut in front when everyone needs to line up? 

Day 7 – What annoying habits does your best friend have?
To me, nothing.

Day 8 – Does smoking bother you?
1.     I have asthma.
2.     So stinky
3.     When you breathe in the smoke, your heath is actually in more danger then the smoker. So smokers are basically silent murderers.

Day 9 – Do you get annoyed when other people display bad manners?

Day 10 – What is the most annoying thing about you?
I have “violence problems”. I literally see myself killing people who make me mad.

Day 11 – What is the most annoying thing about your boyfriend or girlfriend?
I don’t have one.

Day 12 – What is something that your parents do that annoy you?
They’re nagging and forgetting. Seriously, what do you have brain cells for?

Day 13 – Can you think of some things children do that annoy adults around them?
Pestering, I loathe pestering.
Screaming and squealing, unless there is like a pretty pony or a man-eating monster in front of you.
Saying COMPLETE NONSENSE. I know they are young and stuff but really, dinosaurs riding rocket ships?  

Day 14 – Does it annoy you when people don’t use the correct punctuation? What about grammar?
When you are saying things or on chat, I don’t care at all.

Day 15 – What kind of people annoy you?
Mopping, fake people.

Day 16 – Who is the most annoying celebrity? Why?

Day 17 – Which is more annoying: being caught in the rain without an umbrella, or finding out you don’t have enough money to pay for something you really need?
I don’t need umbrellas because no one can see you tears in the rain.

Day 18 – What’s the most annoying catchphrase or cliché you can think of?
Kids who think they’re so cool or girly girls. And “That is so cool!” Say it now and then but NOT everyday.

Day 19 – What do people do on the street that annoys you?
1.     Spitting right in the middle of the pavement. At least have the decency to spit in a tissue or in the rubbish bin!
2.     Walking so damn slowly. IN A HORISONTAL LINE! I will just barge right in the middle.
3.     Throwing trash or cigarette buds right in front of you. Hello? I am I invisible or what?
4.     Stopping dead right there. Dude, you are not the only one on the streets!

Day 20 – Does it annoy you when people snore?

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