Sunday, 23 October 2011

Think of that

I had Chinese History homework just now. You know that's my weak point now since it's so damned advanced. The my mother just fucking left me alone with it!
Her: You SHOULD know this already! This is basic knowledge! I thought you knew! Why didn't you tell me earlier?

Me: Maybe you should have thought of that before you sent me to DGS.

That made her shut up. Yay, she shut up but then she left the room and abandoned me. Like, the fuck? Then she came back in and yelled at me to just do it by myself! She's such a bitch! She KNOWS I have like ZERO Chinese History training and absolutely no background knowledge and she just fucking leaves me alone with it. I so damned wanted to kill her right then and there. And scream at her.
Guess what? That's not the first time she just didn't even care. There was the mess on the floor. And just LAST NIGHT I told her I was in depression and cutting myself (I just started) with my scissors. She just looked at me and said, "Oh, okay." Then she just kept walking ahead. I couldn't believe her!! She doesn't even ask why or whatever and just doesn't give a flying fuck about it?

Yeah, nice parenting there, mom.

So now I'm just listening "When I'm Gone" by Eminem.  

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