Tuesday, 31 January 2012

Expecto Patronum

Hey everyone! :) Just read Isabel's brand new post about skin care. Man, that's a lot of products. I only have one water-based sunscreen for horse riding and a Vaseline Aloe Fresh hydrating lotion for summer and I use concentrated olive oil for my skin in winter. I really loathe all those annoying procedures and waiting. Because one, I hate the feeling of goo on my skin, I feel like I'm going to suffocate or something. And two, I can't keep putting cream on every single day. I always forget. And my remedy to keep pimples off my skin would be to use my shampoo, Heads and Shoulders Lemongrass Oil Control, and rub it on my face. It really does work! :)

Anyways, I was on Twitter as well (follow me: Red_Sheepies) and I was reading Horoscopes. I don't really believe them but some of them kind suits me. :)

I remember one :A Virgo will never share their complete selves with someone. Some secrets must be kept.

That is totally true. I do have secrets, no one on this planet knows except for me. Not even Vicky.

And another one: Virgos are very impatient.

Yep, I am quite rushy. I can't wait for a long period of time. Unless it's something I really want, 20 min tops.

And I read RobotTurkey's new blog post just now. Exactly. Gosh, I seriously loathe Mainlanders. Always come to Hong Kong to shop, have kids and buy apartments. Fuck them. HK has citizens living here as well! It's not the stupid Mainlanders' playground. And I hate it when they buy apartments here. They just keep it empty, it's for investment or something. And they don't even rent it to HK people who REALLY need it! Then they buy so many, they raise up the prices so HK don't have much choices. Then they come here to have kids. Why? Because our health care is better and they want our SAR passport, HK birth certificate, HK ID so they can live in HK which is LOADS better than in China and 15 years of free education. Bitches, the parents aren't even HK people. Why should we give their kids HK's blessings? Then they shop in HK. Pulling up the prices of everything. Then they are so unhygienic! Peeing in dustbins and pooping in the MTR. My dad saw them once. But if I was there, I would've gone up to them and tell them to find a damned toilet! See, HK's too soft with these bitches just because the Mainland bitches are rich. If it happened in USA, the pooping Mainlanders on the MTR would've been tasered. Yes, it happens. Here? Nothing happens. If I was in the government, I would only let 1500 Mainlanders come into HK each day. Pregnant women are NOT allowed under any circumstances.

Actually, I feel kind of sorry for them. China is such a big, powerful, strong country, yet their people have to come to HK to shop and give birth. Why? Because in China, things are very unreliable. They're either fake or the food is poisoned. The hospitals can't even let people trust them to give birth in it. See, China might be such a good country. The second in the world but look. They can't even provide what HK can. And HK, compared to China, is a dwarf! And you see Americans saying China is so good right? It's fake. Ask people who are really working in China. They'll say it's a lie.

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