Sunday, 1 January 2012

A shadow on the horizon

Good evening everyone! :) I hope your first day of 2012 was well! I had a great day, especially when I had a very detailed and lovely chat with Vicky on Skype. I love her more than a friend. (But I'm NOT a lesbian.) She knows who Tim is now. But if anyone starts to annoy her about wanting to know who he is, I will personally write a blog post here about all the embarrassing moments I can remember about you and will cook up a scheme to take revenge. I mean it. You'll have to be a very good persuader to talk me out of and have to do something to help me a lot to make me change my mind.

I really like this post title, if you know what I'm talking about, congrats. Talk to me and maybe you'll get a prize and a very long chat about it. No kidding.

Anyways, short post to pass time.

My dad watched Apollo 18, the camera sucked and the cutting was so bad, I could have done better. Then Transformers 3. Didn't stick around to watch it because I just realized that I actually had to do IT homework over the holidays. The fuckingly stupid IT teacher HAD to send the assignment in the Christmas break when I was out of town then he required to hand it in every other day and I only got to complete one assignment out of four! So I just rushed through all the assignments. The idiot teacher never told us about any homework and what if a lot of us weren't in Hong Kong at that time? His favourite word is stupid and it fits him extremely well.

Good news: For my CL homework, I had to join a competition and post my CL compo on the Education Bureau website. It was about a cat jumping on a policeman and we had to write something about it. It had to be full of feelings and shit like that. I wrote mine's about an abused cat. The abusive owner was the policeman and the cat jumped on him to attack him for revenge. My mom said it was so deranged and twisted but I just posted it and guess what! It had 60 views, someone praised it and people rated it four stars (5 stars max.). Yay! :)

I'm chatting with Vicky right now and we're actually talking about broccoli and which name is better: Alex or Alexander. In my opinion, I kind of prefer Alexander. No other reason besides it sounds nice. So don't think wrongly!

Good night everyone! :)  

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