Friday, 30 March 2012

Up all night

So this morning was SIS Sports Day! :) Awesome.

Actually, this morning I woke up late because my alarm clock didn't ring so I had to rush all the way through breakfast and run all the way to the Sports ground. Then I just chatted with friends and watched/cheered for the contestants. I found out that Jun Ji owns something from Armani Exchange. I feel jealous because I really do like Armani Exchange. At some point in the middle of the day, I started to tickle Chloe mercilessly. :P I love tickling others. 

Congrats to the winners in Yellow house (because I am forever in Yellow house)! Especially the relay team! We got GOLD! :) 

In the end, Red house won the House Cup. Well, no surprises there. Red/green house has been winning everything for as long as I can remember. I only have this really, really faint memory of Yellow house winning the Swim meet but that was, like, 5-6 years ago. :/

Anyways, who wants some secrets on the Lily/James fanfiction (the detailed one in Fifth and Sixth year)?

Secret No. 1

I made Alex break up with Lily because he thought that Lily was such a know-it-all and not caring about her appearance because I really DETEST these kind of people. They're ridiculously shallow and stupid. Looks mean nothing, they're only temporary. You might look pretty now but when you're 70, you think you're going to still have that angel face? Lily is such a nice, awesome, friendly girl. That's what matters most. I also hate it when boys don't date girls because they think the girl is too smart or too "powerful". Well, guess what? We girls don't have time to care about your silly pride issues and we are definitely not stooping down to make you feel more superior. 

Secret No. 2

I hate Carly. I really do and I know some of my readers hate her as well. That's why I'm rewriting Carly's break up with James later on in my new fanfiction. I hate Carly so much that I want her to get HURT when James breaks up with her. Carly totally doesn't deserve him. I made Carly with James for another reason- I wanted to show how much people are missing out on when they give up. James sort of gave up on Lily so he went for Carly who isn't even half as good as Lily. 

And that's why I literally live by this quote: 
"If we give up too soon, you don't know what you're missing out on so don't when we're tired, let's stop when we're done."  

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